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General Terms and Conditions

Auto Service

General Terms and Conditions
Bus & Limo


The rental of vehicles with driver by Auto Service to the Customer is governed by these General Rental Conditions and the Privacy Policy in force at the time of purchase on the portal. The Customer, by purchasing on the portal, declares that he has read, understood and accepts the General Rental Conditions and specifically approves the items: 1. Characteristics of vehicles, 2. Type of services, 3. Reservation, 4. Price, 5. Travel schedule and variations, 6. Payment, 7. Liability of the parties, 8. Cancellation and penalties, 9. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions, 10. Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction 11. Customer's domicile and communications to the Customer.

1. Characteristics of the vehicles

The vehicles are classified by category:

BUS (minibuses and buses from 9 to 56 seats excluding the driver)

LIMO (passenger cars and minivans from 1 to 7 seats excluding the driver)

The vehicles are equipped with the following documentation:

- registration document;

- municipal license by category LIMO, regional license by category BUS, proven by the appropriate Scudetto or glass-fania exhibited as standard;

- insurance policy for persons transported, with the ceilings provided for by law;

- tachographer review certificate and speed limiter for the BUS category.

These vehicles are in accordance with the existing provisions on the annual audit. The vehicles are perfectly mechanically efficient, as evidenced by the annual technical review visa at the offices of the M.C.T.C.C., as well as being included in a computerized program, within the company, for scheduled preventive maintenance in order to ensure the constant maintenance of efficiency and safety conditions. Vehicles are carried out exclusively by Auto Service personnel, with legal professional documentation, i.e. a valid driver's license and a certificate of professional qualification. When it comes to the employment of staff, Auto Service complies with current national and European legislation on the regulation of drivers’ driving and rest times.

2. Type of services

Through the portal it is possible to book 4 different types of service:


-H time arrangement



‘Transfer’ means a service with any type of means of transport of persons from a defined place of departure to a defined place of destination,

‘Hhourly arrangement’ means a service with any type of means of transport for persons available for a defined number of hours and kilometres, according to an itinerary not necessarily specified at the time of booking.

‘Excursion’ means a service with any type of means of transport of persons from a defined place of departure to a defined place of destination and return to the place of departure or other place indicated by the Customer, with the possibility of also entering intermediate stages.

‘Tour’ means a service with any type of means for passenger transport, for a minimum of 2 days and for a maximum of 6 days, according to a daily itinerary created by the Customer.

2.1. Extra services, accessories

Through the portal it is possible to purchase extra services (e.g. tourist guide service, board hostess / steward, escort, etc.) and / or accessories (baby car seat, water, snacks etc.).

3. Reservation

The online booking system allows you to book one or more services via a secure protocol. The reservation, completed with all the necessary information, will be confirmed automatically, after making the payment. All details entered in the booking process, with the exception of your credit card details, will be displayed in the confirmation email.

Customers who have not received a confirmation email or have mistakenly entered incorrect information are required to notify Auto Service and report the issue.

Please note that Auto Service will never get hold of the buyer’s credit card information, which will be entered into a secure banking circuit directly through the credit institution’s gateway.

The reservation must be made by an adult person and at least one adult person must be present as a supervisor during the trip.

It is possible to book online only those services for which one driver is sufficient and which make it possible to comply with European legislation on driving and rest hours.

For all other itineraries, you can send a request, via the portal wizard or by email to

The reservation can be made in several ways:

1.“ Reservation and payment:

Customer may book a service by blocking the indicated price. The booked service will be in the user's shopping cart. The customer can book other services and place them in their shopping cart. Within 2 hours of booking, the customer must make the payment, under penalty of cancellation of the reservation(s).

2.“ Send quote request”:

Some itineraries proposed by the customer may include the need for a second driver, causing the maximum hourly ceiling allowed for the first driver to be exceeded. In these cases, the customer can submit a request to Auto Service, following the wizard. This request is available in the customer's user area and will be awaiting feasibility confirmation. Auto Service will review the request and if the itinerary is achievable, it will send the offer to the customer by changing the status of the request, from ‘pending confirmation’ to ‘bookable service’.

The Customer at this point, may confirm the reservation and proceed with the payment within 2 hours of the reservation.

3.1 – Coupon

At the time of payment, it is provided, for those in possession, the use of a maximum of one discount voucher (hereinafter referred to as “Coupon”). You can only use the Coupon if you book on the website.

Coupons are all with a predefined and specified expiry in writing, issued in the context of marketing activities. The Coupon can only be used in the specific ways and restrictions related to it.

4. Price

The price indicated in the online offer is inclusive of 10% VAT and any motorway tolls. Instead, it is not included in the price indicated: the cost of parking, check-point, ZTL, costs for boarding in ferries, transits in ferries, bridges, and individual taxes applicable to travelers in Italy and abroad, taxes applicable for movement abroad, cost of customs, food and driver accommodation. The above costs not included will have to be paid directly by the Customer during the journey or alternatively will be calculated and charged prior to departure. Auto Service, without any obligation, strives to stay up to date on these extra costs and is not responsible for any differences or any other costs not disclosed and that may be necessary during the trip due to periodic or unpredictable variations of the same.

5. Travel program and variations

The rental service is provided on the basis of the travel schedule requested by the customer. Purchased a trip, any changes to the program, prior to departure, can be requested by sending an email to Any higher price resulting from the change in the programme shall be settled within the agreed time frame. Auto Service will not refund any price differences to the Customer.

Any changes to the program that are necessary during the course of the service, must be communicated by the Customer by telephone to Auto Service. Subject to the consent of Auto Service, the driver will record the changes in the appropriate space provided on the travel sheet. These changes must be signed for acceptance by the Customer on the travel sheet and will result in any adjustment of the price, which must be paid by the end of the rental service. In any case, the driving and rest times of the driver required by law must be respected. Auto Service will not refund any price differences to the Customer.

6. Cancellation of service and penalties

6.1 Transfer

The cancellation of the booked service must be made by the Customer through his user area or in writing by email to The cancellation, communicated in the forms described above, within 24 hours prior to departure, does not entail any charge to the Customer. Otherwise, the following penalties will apply:

•30% with less than 24 hours notice

•50% with less than 12 hours notice

•100% for no-show or rejection.

6.2 Arrangement of time or Excursion

The cancellation of the booked service must be made by the Customer through his user area or in writing by email to The cancellation, communicated in the forms described above, within 7 days prior to departure, does not entail any charge to the Customer. Otherwise, the following penalties will apply:

•30% with less than 7 days notice

•50% with less than 3 days notice

•100% for no-show or rejection.

6.3 Tour

The cancellation of the agreed service must be made by the Customer through his user area or in writing by email to the address The cancellation, communicated in the forms described above, within 14 days prior to departure, does not entail any charge to the Customer. Otherwise, the following penalties will apply:

•30% with less than 14 days notice

•50% with less than 7 days notice

•100% for no-show or rejection.

Any exceptions to the above penalties must be agreed directly with Auto Service and countersigned by both Auto Service and the Customer in writing.

7. Payment

The prices indicated on the website are expressed in € (euro) and are inclusive of the Value Added Tax (I.V.A.) in force for their respective product categories. Anything that is not included in the item ‘the quota includes’ shall be excluded from the tenders.

The permitted forms of payment are:

- Bank transfer (missed up to 14 days before departure)

- Credit card

- Paypal

8. Responsibilities of the parties

8.1 Vehicle replacement, failure to perform service or interruption of the vehicle due to reasons not attributable to Auto Service

Auto Service may not be deemed to be in default in the case of a vehicle replacement of a category other than the one booked, provided that the new vehicle allows all passengers included in the reservation to be accommodated and to travel safely.

In the event of unavailability of the booked vehicle, Auto Service may provide for the replacement of the vehicle with a vehicle of the same category or other vehicle of a different category, whether or not belonging to another rental company in accordance with the legal requirements, provided that such replacement allows all passengers provided for in the reservation to be accommodated and to travel safely.

Auto Service may not be held in default for failure to perform the service or interruption during the service due to force majeure.

Causes of force majeure are: fires, floods, earthquakes, adverse weather conditions, strikes/munemployment or other impediments that are unavoidable and not attributable to Auto Service, provided that these events could not be foreseen at the confirmation of the trip.

Only in the event of a technical failure of the vehicle Auto Service guarantees timely intervention, in order to limit the discomfort of the Customer and in any case assuming all charges and expenses at its own expense.

8.2 Risky travel

The Customer is obliged to inform Auto Service already at the time of booking, of the so-called ‘risky travel’. Risky trips are, in particular, those trips that present safety risks along the way to go, e.g. a football match or demonstrations, trips in which police protection is also used.

In this regard, when booking, it is necessary to use the appropriate NOTES field for reporting.

If once the booking was completed, there were sufficient elements to consider the trip as risky, Auto Service reserves the right to withdraw from the contract. If the withdrawal is made by Auto Service, the Customer will be informed immediately in writing.

If the Customer has not specified that this is a risky journey, Auto Service reserves the right to discontinue the trip on or during departure. Customer's claims against Auto Service due to such a suspension will not apply. This provision shall not apply in cases of intentional or grossly negligent conduct carried out by Auto Service. Auto Service reserves the right to exercise all rights of compensation against the Customer, regardless of their nature.

8.3 Roads not passable

Transport will only take place on roads suitable for the transport of people with the booked means. In the event that the place of departure, itinerary or destinations indicated at the time of booking are not available for the means used, Auto Service reserves the right to suggest an alternative place of departure, an alternative itinerary or to reach the nearest possible destination. If the Customer accepts the Auto Service suggestion, any price adjustments will be evaluated in favor of either party. Unilateral travel instructions by the Customer will not be followed by the driver of the vehicle. However, if in exceptional circumstances the driver follows the Customer's instructions, Auto Service reserves the right to charge the Customer any additional costs.

8.4 Communication with the Customer

At the time of booking, the Customer must indicate to Auto Service his mobile number or any other number, in order to ensure the necessary communications. The Customer or his/her contact person agrees to be reached at this number during travel hours.

8.5 Children and minors

Children between the ages of 0 and 3 years should only travel in the appropriate child seats. These seats must be secured with a double-point belt and carried with them by the accompanying adults. The responsibility in this case lies with the person who takes care of the child. The driver reserves the right to refuse transport in the absence of seating devices.

8.6 Lost and Damage

The Customer, at the end of the service, is required to verify the presence of lost items on the vehicle; in the absence of such verification, Auto Service cannot be held responsible for any lost items. The Customer is responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle during the provision of the service; the corresponding cost will be charged by Auto Service with invoice issuance.

9. Contractual changes

No changes may be made to these General Terms and Conditions without the written consent of an Auto Service representative with an appropriate written power of attorney.

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The law applicable to the rental contract governed by these General Terms and Conditions is Italian law.

For any dispute, arising from and/or related to the rental of the vehicle with driver, for any action necessary for the co-recovery of the credit accrued by Auto Service, the Court of the registered office of Auto Service will be exclusively competent, with the exception of the case referred to in art. 33, paragraph 2, letter u, of the Consumer Code (D.Lgs. 206

11. Customer's home

The Customer declares to elect his address at the address communicated to Auto Service, as a result of the reservation. Unless otherwise expressly stated by the Customer, contractual communications will take place at the e-mail address indicated by the Customer.


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Cap. Soc. 50.960,00 � C.C.I.A.A. 93257 Iscr. Trib. Di Palermo n 20224 P. IVA: 02540070824