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General Terms and Conditions

Auto Service

General Terms and Conditions
Bus Events


These General Conditions of Sale, Contract and Transport govern all relations established between the traveler and Auto Service, concerning the provision of one or more transport services published and proposed on the portal also in the name and on behalf of partner companies. The Customer, by purchasing on the portal or at the Auto Service offices, declares that he has read, understood and accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Contract and Rental and to specifically approve the items: 1. General Terms and Conditions of Contract and Transport, 2. Travel booking, 3. Booking confirmation, 4. Methods of payment, 5. Travel document, 6. Travel Waiver and Penalties, 7. Liability of the parties, 8. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions, 9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction 10. Customer's domicile and communications to the Customer.

1. - Characteristics of the proposed services

Auto Service is responsible for the promotion and sale on the portal of transport services for individual passengers to destinations defined as events (hereinafter, ‘Events’).

The transport service, published and proposed on the portal also in the name and on behalf of Partner Companies, is carried out mainly but not exclusively with buses owned by Auto Service, in collaboration with other companies in the sector (hereinafter, ‘Carrier’), which carry out the service using their own personnel, vehicles and vehicles, according to the quality standards defined by Auto Service and in accordance with national and

The proposed Events are classified by category (e.g. Concerts, Culture, Shopping, etc) and the ticket may include, in addition to the bus seat, also the entrance ticket to the Event or other specified services.

1.1. – Extras and accessories

Through the portal it is possible to buy extra services (place in the first or second row) and / or accessories (baby car seat, water, snacks etc.).

2. Travel booking

It is possible to book a seat by bus for the Event, following the procedure available on the portal;

Events are divided into two types:

• Bookable events (events for which the minimum number of participants has not yet been reached);

• Bookable and payable events (events for which the minimum number of participants has been reached).

2.1. - Minimum number of passengers

The proposed trip is carried out only when a minimum number of participants is reached, as specified in the Event. In order to confirm the departures it is necessary to book the seat by bus.

Membership presupposes the release by the customer of the main information relating to personal data, personal details, e-mail address and other information useful for the provision of the service.

Membership does not involve any kind of economic or contractual commitment. The data released will not in any way be transferred to third parties except for organizational needs and will only be used for the purposes required by the provision of the service.

3. Booking confirmation

Once the memberships have been taken and reached the minimum number necessary to confirm the trip, Auto Service will give written confirmation by e-mail and it will be possible to proceed with the payment, in the manner described below.

4. - Methods of payment

The prices indicated on the website are expressed in € (euro) and are inclusive of the Value Added Tax (I.V.A.) in force for their respective product categories.

Anything that is not included in the item ‘the quota includes’ shall be excluded from the tenders.

The permitted forms of payment are:

• PayPal;

• Credit card

• Bank transfer (available up to 14 days before departure);

4.1. – Coupon

At the time of booking, it is expected, for those who were in possession, the use of a maximum discount voucher (hereinafter referred to as “Coupon”). You can only use the Coupon if you book on the website.

Coupons are all with a predefined and written expiry, issued in the context of marketing activities. The Coupon can only be used under the specific methods and restrictions related to it.

5. - Travel title

In response to payment by the traveler, Auto Service issues the travel document (hereinafter also referred to as ‘ticket’) relating to the route purchased and to the person(s) whose name and surname have been disclosed at the time of booking.

The travel document consists of the booking confirmation received at the e-mail address indicated, which may be presented, if necessary, in paper or electronic format (as a ‘pdf’ file) together with a valid identity document of the traveler, attesting to its ownership.

The travel document gives the traveler the right to a seat, which is assigned by Auto Service and indicated when boarding the bus by the staff on board. During the booking phase it is possible to choose, for a fee, the seat in the first or second row.

A traveller without a travel document or a non-compliant travel document will not be admitted on board the bus.

6. - Travel Waiver and Penalties

The communication of renunciation of the trip must be made by the Customer through his user area or in writing by email to

The waiver, communicated in the forms described above, within 15 (fifteen) days prior to departure, does not entail any charge to the Customer. Otherwise, the following penalties will apply:

•30% with less than 15 days notice

•50% with less than 7 days notice

•100% for no-show or rejection.

ATTENTION: In the case of booking trips that include, in addition to the bus seat, other services (ticket to an event, lunch in a restaurant, tourist guide, etc.) the waiver can never concern such services that will always be deemed non-refundable.

This rule may be partially or completely changed at Auto Service’s discretion.

6.1. - Refund

The traveller who has regularly communicated his waiver of the transport, in the manner set out above, will be entitled to the issuance in his favour of a Voucher of value equal to the rate paid for the reservation of the trip, net of any penalties and with the express exclusion of the value of any services included in the ticket that will always be considered non-refundable.

Any derogations from what is described must be agreed directly with Auto Service and countersigned by both Auto Service and the Customer in writing.

This Voucher may be used, no later than 12 (twelve) months from the date of issue, for the reservation of a new trip.

If the rate of the new reservation is higher than that of the refunded trip, the traveler is required to pay the difference;

If the fare of the new reservation is lower than that of the refunded trip, the voucher will remain valid for the value corresponding to the difference and may be used by the traveler for another reservation, as long as it is made within twelve months of the first booking.

7. Responsibilities of the parties

7.1. – Changes in schedules and itineraries

Auto Service cannot be held responsible for changes in the departure and/or arrival time of the buses or the itinerary, which occurred after the conclusion of the contract for reasons not attributable to the fact and fault of Auto Service srl and/or the Partner Companies.

In the event of changes in the departure and/or arrival time of the buses involving a difference from the original time of more than two hours, the traveller may withdraw from the contract, without any additional charge or cost, provided that the journey has not yet started.

For this purpose, the traveler must contact the helpdesk at 091363000 or the email address: expressing his intention.

7.2. - Replacement of the vehicle, failure to perform service or interruption of the same for reasons not attributable to Auto Service

Auto Service may not be held in default in the event of a vehicle replacement, provided that the new vehicle allows the journey to be made safely.

In the event of an unavailability of the vehicle, Auto Service may provide for the replacement of the vehicle with a vehicle of the same category or other vehicle of a different category, whether or not belonging to another rental company, in accordance with the legal requirements.

In the event of a technical failure of the vehicle, Auto Service guarantees timely intervention, in order to limit the discomfort of the Customer and in any case assuming all charges and expenses at its own expense.

Auto Service may not be held in default for failure to perform the service or interruption during the service due to force majeure.

Causes of force majeure are: fires, floods, earthquakes, adverse weather conditions, strikes/munemployment or other impediments that are unavoidable and not attributable to Auto Service, provided that these events could not be foreseen at the confirmation of the trip.

Auto Service srl may not be considered in default in the event of cancellation of an event by the organizers and for causes not dependent on Auto Service srl.

In the event of an event move to another date, reservations already made will be automatically moved to the new date.

7.3. – Obligations of the traveler

The traveler is required to show up at the departure stop at the time indicated in the reservation.

In case of absence at the time of departure (no show condition), the contract of carriage will be deemed to have been carried out correctly and the traveler will not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.

On board the bus, or any other means used, the traveler is required to comply with the instructions given by the cabin crew, in addition to compliance with the travel rules on the website

The traveler is liable to Auto Service and/or the Partner Company that performs the transport service for damage caused by intent or fault, to the bus and the equipment present therein.

Auto Service srl reserves the right to terminate the contract of carriage if the traveller implements conduct contrary to safety directives or conduct such as to make the continuation of the journey unacceptable to the carrier and/or the driver and/or other passengers.

7.4. - Transportation of minors

Children aged 0 to 3 years:

They may only be transported on buses in approved child seats for young children. These seats must be brought with them by the companions and, during the journey, must be fixed, at two points, with the seat belts on the bus. Auto Service srl assumes no responsibility for the suitability and compliance with the law of the car seats brought by the carers

Minor Passengers who have not yet turned 16 on the date of the event:

They must be accompanied by an adult who assumes full responsibility for them. In the event that the adult is not a Parent/Guardian, it is necessary to fill out the Minor Authorization Form that can be downloaded from the portal.

Minor Passengers from the age of 16 to the age of 18 who are not yet (as of the date of the event):

They can travel alone but only with the Parental Authorization Form signed by the parent or guardian, which can be downloaded from the portal.

In both cases it is mandatory to send the Child Authorization Form signed by the parent or guardian (with a copy of the parent's identity document attached) to It is also mandatory for the minor to deliver the original of the Child Authorization Form signed by the parent or guardian, directly to our contact person at the time of the bus on the day of the event.

7.5. - Transport of animals

The transport of animals in buses is prohibited due to the mode of construction of the buses which does not allow adequate filtering of allergens.

7.6. - Luggage

In accordance with European regulations, with the rules of the road and for the safety of all, luggage must necessarily be stored in the hold of the bus. Notwithstanding what is described, it is permitted to carry small hand luggage on board, which must necessarily be returned in the hats or under your seat.

The luggage and its contents remain, for the duration of the trip, in the custody of the traveler, who must take care of its control. If you notice unauthorized access to your luggage by a third party, the traveller is required to promptly inform the driver of the bus. Shortly before the end of the trip, the traveler has the burden of checking the completeness of his luggage.

ATTENTION: Except in cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, Auto Service assumes no warranty and is not liable for the theft of luggage or damage that may be caused to it and the goods contained therein.

7.7. - Lost Property

The traveler who has forgotten something on the bus can contact the helpdesk at +39 091363000 or the email address: stating their problem.

7.8. - Limitation of liability of Auto Service srl

Auto Service srl is not responsible for any damage caused to the person and / or luggage of the traveler, when the event results from the non-compliance, by the traveler himself, of rules, requirements, regulations and / or provisions in force on board the bus and / or dictated by the driver and / or in any case disseminated by Auto Service srl, as well as from acts carried

Auto Service srl is also not liable for any damage that may arise to the person and/or baggage of the traveller, where the event results from fortuitous event and force majeure or from any other act or fact not attributable to it.

8. Contractual changes

No changes may be made to these General Terms and Conditions without the written consent of an Auto Service representative with an appropriate written power of attorney.

9. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The law applicable to the contract of sale governed by these General Conditions is the Italian one.

For any dispute, arising from and/or related to the sale of the trapsorto service, for any action necessary for the co-recovery recovery of the credit accrued by Auto Service, the Court of the registered office of Auto Service will be exclusively competent, with the exception of the case referred to in Art. 33, paragraph 2, letter u, of the Consumer Code (D.

10. Customer's home

The Customer declares to elect his address at the address communicated to Auto Service, as a result of the reservation. Unless otherwise expressly stated by the Customer, contractual communications will take place at the e-mail address indicated by the Customer.


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Cap. Soc. 50.960,00 � C.C.I.A.A. 93257 Iscr. Trib. Di Palermo n 20224 P. IVA: 02540070824