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General Terms and Conditions

Auto Service

General Terms and Conditions
Cars & Vans


The rental of cars and vans by Auto Service to the Customer is governed by these General Rental Conditions, the Rental Letter, the Tariff Table, the Damage and Penalty Compensation Table and the Privacy Policy applicable at the time of subscription of the Rental Letter. The Customer by subscribing to the Letter of Rental declares that he has read, understood and accepts the General Rental Conditions and to specifically approve the articles: 1. Reservation, 2. Rental fees and penalties, 3. Refund, 4. Delivery of the vehicle and start of rental, 5. Vehicle assistance and replacement car, 6. Insurance, 7. Customer Obligations, 8. Use of the motor vehicle, 9. Fire, Theft, Car Damage, 8. In the event of a claim, 10. Return of the vehicle and end of the rental, 11. Fees for rental, 12. Payment by credit card, 13. Responsibilities of the Customer and Lessor, 14. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction, 15. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions, 16. Customer's domicile and communications to the Customer.

1. Reservation

The online booking system allows the booking of one or more rental services via a secure protocol. The reservation, completed with all the necessary information, will be confirmed automatically, after making the payment. All details entered in the booking process, with the exception of your credit card details, will be displayed in the confirmation email.

Customers who have not received a confirmation email or have mistakenly entered incorrect information are required to notify Auto Service and report the issue.

Please note that Auto Service will never get hold of the buyer’s credit card information, which will be entered into a secure banking circuit directly through the credit institution’s gateway.

The reservation must be made by an adult and the driver of the vehicle must be over 25 years old and at least 2 years of license.1.1 Extra services and accessoriesThrough the portal you can purchase extra services (e.g. kasco insurance, young driver, driver service, home delivery, etc.) and / or accessories (baby seat, snow chains, packing kit, etc.). For services and / or accessories subject to availability, you can send a request via the portal wizard or alternatively by email to After your request has been processed, Auto Service will send confirmation of availability and you will be able to complete your reservation.

The reservation can be made in several ways:

1.“ Reservation and payment:

The Customer may book a rental by blocking the indicated price. The reservation will be in the user's shopping cart. The customer can book other rentals and place them in their shopping cart. Within 2 hours of booking, the customer must make the payment, under penalty of cancellation of the reservation(s).

2.“ Send request”:

Some extra services and/or accessories, are subject to availability. In these cases, the customer can submit a request to Auto Service, following the wizard. The request is available in the customer's user area in the ‘waiting for confirmation’ state. Auto Service will review the request and if the extra service and/or accessory is available, it will send the offer to the customer by changing the status of the request, from ‘pending confirmation’ to ‘bookable service’.

The Customer at this point, may confirm the reservation and proceed with the payment within 2 hours of the reservation.

1.2 – Coupon

At the time of payment, it is provided, for those in possession, the use of a maximum of one discount voucher (hereinafter referred to as “Coupon”). You can only use the Coupon if you book on the website.

Coupons are all with a predefined and specified expiry in writing, issued in the context of marketing activities. The Coupon can only be used in the specific ways and restrictions related to it.

2 - Waiver of rental and penalties

The notification of the waiver of the rental must be made by the Customer through his user area or in writing by email to the address

The waiver, communicated in the forms described above, within 15 (fifteen) days prior to the rental start date, will not entail any charge to the Customer. Otherwise, the following penalties will apply:

•30% with less than 15 days notice

•50% with less than 7 days notice

•100% for no-show or rejection.

2.1. - Refund

The customer who has regularly communicated his waiver of the rental, in the manner set out above, will be entitled to the issuance in his behalf of a Voucher of value equal to the rate paid for the reservation of the rental, net of any penalties and excluding the value of any services included in the rental that will always be considered non-refundable.

Any derogations from what is described must be agreed directly with Auto Service and countersigned by both Auto Service and the Customer in writing.

This Voucher may be used, no later than 12 (twelve) months from the date of issue, for the reservation of a new trip.

If the rate of the new reservation is higher than that of the refunded trip, the customer is required to pay the difference;

If the rate of the new reservation is lower than that of the refunded rental, the voucher will remain valid for the value corresponding to the difference and may be used by the customer for another reservation, as long as it is made within twelve months of the first booking.

3. Delivery of the vehicle and start of rental

The rental begins at the time when Auto Service (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Locator’) delivers the vehicle to the Customer. The vehicle is delivered in good condition of maintenance and is equipped with the parking triangle, spare wheel or repair kit and all necessary documents for circulation, including a copy of the insurance green card, certificate and insurance mark. At the time of delivery of the vehicle, the customer undertakes to check its status and equipment together with the staff provided by the Lessor and, in particular, to verify that the vehicle is in perfect working order, with the equipment indicated in the CHECK LIST and free of any additional goods or goods and undertakes to return it to the same state, saving the wear and tear proportional to the duration It is the Customer's burden to inform the staff of the Lessor of any discrepancies with what is indicated in the CHECK LIST and to ascertain it in contradiction with the staff before picking up the car. In the absence, the Customer authorizes the Lessor to charge all discrepancies found on the return of the vehicle by the staff responsible with respect to the delivery status of the car.

It is in the full discretion of the Lessor to refuse to conclude the rental contract with the Customer, in particular in cases of theft, damage or accidents with charge of liability that occurred in previous rentals.

4. Vehicle service and replacement vehicle

In the event of an accident, breakdown and/or need to have the vehicle towed, the Customer is required to contact, at the number indicated on the documentation on the vehicle, the toll-free number with the Lessor, the only person authorized by the Lessor to perform interventions and/or repairs on the vehicle. Interventions and/or repairs carried out on the vehicle by the Customer without the authorization of the Lessor and/or at centers not affiliated with the Lessor will not be reimbursed by the Lessor for any reason and for any reason. In the event of a request by the Customer for a replacement vehicle, the Lessor reserves the right to decide at its discretion, including based on the availability of vehicles at the place and at the time of the request by the customer, whether or not to provide the replacement car.

5. Insurance

The Lessor guarantees that against the civil liability of the Customer and any other person authorized to drive the vehicle, an appropriate RCA insurance policy has been entered into with the limits and minimum ceilings imposed by applicable law and regulations. The policy does not in any case cover the damage suffered by the driver nor his civil liability for damage to things and animals transported, as well as it does not cover damage resulting from non-compliance with the road signs of clutter and / or danger or in any case resulting from non-compliance with laws or regulations. The policy covers the driver's civil liability for damage caused by a third party carried, as long as it is not members of the Customer's family or the driver.

In the event of a claim caused by the Customer through its own fault and involving third parties, regardless of the damage reported to the rented vehicle (which will be charged if presented as per Table Charge Damages and Penalty Compensation), Auto Service will charge the Customer, the administrative costs of handling the claim case (cf. Damage Charge and Penalties Compensation Table).

6. Customer obligations

The Customer is the guardian of the vehicle and acknowledges that he is not the owner of any real right over it and that he cannot, therefore, dispose of it and undertakes:

A) to conduct and guard the vehicle together with the accessories diligently, with the utmost caution and in compliance with all legal regulations, regulations and any warnings and precautions suggested by the Lessor;

B) to take care of routine maintenance, cluttering, control of lubricant and brake oil levels;

C) to pay any fines and/or contraventions paid to him during the lease and to reimburse the Lessor for any expenses, including those of a legal nature incurred as a result of and/or as a result of the rental;

D) the payment of the amounts due for parking lots or motorway tolls relating to the rental period;

E) to hold the Lessor harmless from any claim made by third parties for damage suffered by the goods transported or otherwise found on the vehicle;

F) compliance with the Freight Transport Act by assuming all responsibility for the necessary accompanying bills;

During the winter period, due to specific provisions of the Authorities, in certain areas of Italy there is an obligation to use winter tires or to transport snow chains on board the vehicle; Auto Service makes snow chains available at its own station. However, the Customer undertakes to verify the existence of such a situation with respect to his journey and to observe its requirements, requiring Auto Service to rent the chains (if the rented car does not already have thermal tires) or by deciding, at his sole discretion, to equip himself.

7. Use of the motor vehicle

The Customer undertakes not to drive or use the vehicle and not to tolerate it being carried or used by:

A) outside Italian territory;

B) for rent;

C) to push or tow objects;

D) under the influence of drugs, narcotics, alcohol or intoxicants;

E) in races, competitions or speed tests;

F) for a purpose contrary to the law, regulations and orders of the Authorities;

G) persons not authorized or otherwise not listed on the individual rental contract or any person other than the Customer, including his or her parents, children, spouse, brother, employer, colleague employed in the same company, partner or manager (if the Customer is a company);

(H) a person who has provided the Lessor with false information about his or her general information;

(I) persons under the age of 21, unless expressly authorised by the lessor.

8. Fire, theft, car damage

The Customer is obliged to indemnify the Lessor for any damage for any reason occurring to the car during the rental, as well as in the event of theft or fire. The Customer is responsible for the cost of repairs, for the lack of rental revenue quantified on the basis of the applicable price list, for the costs of towing and storage and for administrative costs incurred for the management of any event or claim arising from the rental, within the limits of the Damage and Penalties Compensation Table. [for the evaluation of the vehicle, please refer as an example the Quattro In the event of damage, the Customer is always free to compensate the damage as shown in the Table, or to decide to have the car repaired at his own expense and under his own responsibility, communicating it to the Lessor within 5 days of the communication of the charge or the verification of the damage in contradiction with the staff of the agency. In this case, the Customer will have to pay the cost of the rental until the Renter is returned to the Lessor of the car repaired in accordance with the art and the Lessor reserves the right to accept the repair after testing of the car in contradiction with the Customer. The Customer will also be required to compensate the Lessor for damage suffered by the vehicle as a result of non-compliance with road traffic signs of clutter and/or danger, damage not covered by the mandatory RCA policy, as specified in point 3, as well as the costs of restoring and/or cleaning of the vehicle’s passenger compartment if it is returned at the end of the rental with

Without any reversal of the burden of proof, it is always prejudiced to the possibility for the Customer to prove that the failure to comply with his obligations and/or the damage to the vehicle is due to which is not attributable to him.

9. In the event of a claim

The Customer must promptly and in any case as soon as possible:

(A) inform the Lessor by telephone, sending him a detailed report completed on the form enclosed with the vehicle documents within 24 hours;

B) inform the nearest police authority;

(C) take note of the names and addresses of the parties and witnesses;

D) provide the Lessor with any useful news;

(E) follow the instructions that the Lessor will provide with regard to the custody and/or repairs of the vehicle, also in accordance with point 2;

F) in the event of an accident with a counterparty the Customer undertakes to subscribe to the CID form, which shall be delivered by the Customer to the Lessor must be delivered within 24 hours or within the end of the rental if coincident.

In the event that the Customer has not caused or suffered any accident, he must always notify the Customer at the time of delivery of the vehicle to the Lessor, in order to allow him to protect his rights against fraud or unfounded claims. If the Customer fails to declare a claim, despite having incurred it, he accepts the charge of the relevant penalty as shown in the Damage and Penalty Compensation Table, also due to the significant organizational inconvenience and the increased insurance costs incurred by the Lessor as a result of the Customer’s disclosure omission.

10. Return of the vehicle and end of the rental

The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle to the Lessor’s premises by or before the agreed date, in the event of an express request from the Lessor to do so. The Customer may extend the return period by requesting it at least 24 hours before the scheduled deadline and only with the prior consent of the Lessor. In the event that the vehicle is not returned within the established terms, the Customer will be required to pay the Lessor the extra rate quoted in the rental letter for each day of delay, as well as all other fees provided for in these General Conditions, the Tariff and the Damage and Penal Compensation Table, until the Lessor will return to the possession of the vehicle. The Customer will be required to compensate the Lessor for all expenses incurred in the recovery of the vehicle until its material is taken over.

The rental ends at the time the Lessor takes delivery of the vehicle and checks the conditions in which it is located at the time of delivery in contradiction with the Customer. The car must be returned at the time provided for in the rental letter and in any case during the agency's opening hours. Only with the prior authorization of the Lessor, the Customer may return the car during the closing hours of the return agency at the collection points previously communicated by the Lessor and returning the keys in a dedicated box.

In the event of an authorised delivery of the car during closing time, for the purpose of charging the liability arising from the possession of the vehicle, the rental shall be deemed to have ended at the time of reopening of the agency and only if the car has actually been taken over by the staff. The Customer is therefore liable for all damages (e.g. damage to the car, fines, theft, fire, etc.) suffered / caused to the car until the time of actual takeover by the agency, which will take place at the time of opening to the public. Upon the reopening of the agency, the staff of the Lessor will verify the conditions under which the car was returned and, in the event that discrepancies are detected with the conditions verified at the beginning of the rental (damage, stains, etc.), the Lessor, within 24 hours after the reopening of the agency, informs the customer at the email address indicated at the

The Customer, in any case of damage, is also informed that the charge in case of dispute will be made 5 days after the communication and that within the same period, if he does not consider the charge due, he can contest it or communicate his intention to repair the car at his own expense, applying in this case Art. 6 above.

11. Rental Fees for the rental

The Customer undertakes to pay to the Lessor, according to the provisions of the Tariff and the Damage Table:

A) the mileage and time rate;

(B) the fee due if the motor vehicle is returned to a place other than the one agreed;


D) the amount of fines and/or high fines during the rental period where incurred by the lessor;

(E) motorway tolls and parking fees relating to the use of the vehicle by the Customer where incurred by the lessor;

(F) the costs of practical management for the payment of motorway fines and/or tolls and/or fees for parking lots or for the management of the claim file, to the extent indicated by the relevant entry in the Table;

G) the reimbursement of compensation penalties;

H) all expenses and charges incurred by the Lessor to obtain payment by the Customer of the amounts all due by the Lessor;

(I) the amount required to bring the petrol tank back to the same level as the time of delivery as specified below;

(L) the costs of restoring and/or cleaning the passenger compartment of the vehicle if it is returned at the end of the rental with indelible stains and/or burns;

(M) the costs of restoring the damaged vehicle;

N) costs of disposing of items abandoned by the Customer on the vehicle;

(O) the reimbursement of the costs incurred in recovering the vehicle not returned to the agreed place for any reason and the amount paid to the damaged party in the event of an accident caused by the Customer;

P) the amount corresponding to any other service that the Customer has used or purchased at the time of rental.

The mileage rate is determined by reading the odometer. The Customer is required to periodically check that the odometer is functioning and undertakes to immediately inform the Lessor of any malfunctions, following, in that case, the instructions that will be given to him by the Lessor himself. If, at the time of return, the odometer appears tampered with or failure, the unlimited mileage rate will be applied. Whenever the rate is to be commensurate with the number of days, the term ‘day’ defines a time frame of 24 hours from the time when the vehicle was delivered to the Customer, unless the rate provides otherwise.

With specific reference to Fuel, the Rental Letter contains a specific indication of the amount of fuel present at the time of rental and the quantity that the tank must consequently contain at the time of delivery (equal to that present at the time of rental). The Customer is therefore free to decide whether to personally refuel before the return (so that the tank reaches the amount of fuel indicated) or whether to correspond directly to the return agency the cost of refueling as detectable from the website of the MINISTRY OF ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION at the time of collection of the vehicle, in this case, no administrative fee of practical management nor any penalty will be charged However, any excess fuel compared to the time of delivery will not be refunded to the Customer.

12. Payment by credit card

The Customer at the time of rental must provide a valid credit card on which to charge all fees arising from the rental, unless expressly authorized by the Lessor to rent even without the credit card. The Lessor may in any case at its full discretion refuse to rent the vehicle to the Customer. The Customer, by providing the credit card details, authorizes the Lessor to charge you all fees due as a result of and as a result of the rental and accepts the charge on the credit card also of what will be due after the closure of the contract also for compensation penalties, contraventions, motorway tolls, parking lots, practical operating costs, vehicle recovery costs as a result of damage not The other rental fees referred to in point 9. For rentals longer than 30 days, the payment of the rental fee will be in advance and the charge will be made every 30 days until the rental ends. In case of renewal of monthly and multi-monthly rentals guaranteed by credit card, the payment of the rental must be completed within 5 days of renewal, in default the Customer will be required to the immediate return of the vehicle and the Lessor may repurchase the material possession of the vehicle; the Customer will be required to compensate the Lessor for the expenses incurred for this purpose, without prejudice

13. Responsibilities of the Customer and Lessor

The Customer who subscribes to the Rental Letter is responsible for the obligations set out therein, as well as for the actions and/or omissions of any person driving the vehicle. The Customer is also responsible for all damages caused to the vehicle during the rental, for all disbursements that the Lessor will have to suffer as a result of the rental (e.g. fines, fines incurred during the rental, damages caused to third parties during the rental, etc.), in the event of delayed delivery or non-delivery of the car, according to the specific The Customer may choose to totally limit his liability for any of the above events, by purchasing an additional option of conventional limitation of his liability, which does not in any case have an insurance nature, according to the terms and conditions provided for in the Tariff and in the Damage and Penalty Compensation Table. In any case, even by purchasing the option of limitation of liability, it does not operate in the event of gross negligence of the Customer and in the event of non-compliance by the Customer with these General Rental Conditions and the obligations of law and regulations. Any disclaimer is not effective and in any case for damages caused voluntarily or by carelessness, in violation of the law on road traffic or in violation of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. The exclusion of liability is not effective for so-called ‘excluded’ damages in accordance with the provisions of the Tariff and the Table of Charge Damage and Penalties compensation, for example, but not limited to, for damage or theft of tyres and/or rims, for damage to the roof and centition of vans, for damage caused to the clutch kit.

The Lessor shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person for damages of any nature, including economic damage, suffered by them in persons or property due to failures or defects in the operation of the vehicle, failures of the vehicle, failure or delayed delivery of a vehicle of a category other than the one booked, theft, road accidents, riots, fires, earthquakes, wars or

The Lessor assumes no responsibility for the custody of any objects found in the car after the rental and all disposal costs are in any case borne by the Customer.

14. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The law applicable to the rental contract governed by these General Terms and Conditions is Italian law.

For any dispute, arising from and/or related to the rental of the vehicle, for any action necessary for the co-recovery recovery of the credit accrued by the Lessor, the Court of the registered office of the Lessor will be exclusively competent, with the exception of the case referred to in Art. 33, paragraph 2, letter u, of the Consumer Code (D.L

15. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions

No changes may be made to these General Terms and Conditions without the written consent of a representative of the Lessor with a special written power of attorney.

16. Customer's Home and Customer Communications

The Customer declares to elect his address at the address communicated to the Lessor, as a result of the Letter of Rental. Unless otherwise expressly stated by the Customer, contractual communications will take place at the e-mail address indicated by the Customer.


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